Probably the most fun I've ever had at work ... Blessing the animals on St. Francis Day (October 4). We gathered on the lawn in front of The Upper Room Chapel. We blessed pets from the neighborhood and pets of staff people. We blessed pictures printed out and pulled up on phones. We blessed the dogs of people just walking by.
From our first guests at 4:00 p.m. (a 40-lb. tortoise named Barnes and a very brave cat named Freddie) to the folks who ran a red light to get here before we closed at 6:00, blessings were given and received.
Bless this creature,
Fashioned by the holy one
From the glimmer of stars
And the music of angels.
Bless this creature
And the human one
Who shares its life.
Bless this home.
Bless this life.
Bless this wonder.
Bless this love.
Bless this creature.
- Beth A. Richardson