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All the Wonders


We spent the day with St. Brigid in Kildare. We rekindled the fire of hope, love, and justice at the place of Brigid's fire. And we took our woundedness and sorrow to Brigid's well, where we moved among others who were seeking healing.

I am under the shielding

of good Brigit each day;

I am under the shielding

of good Brigit each night.

I am under the keeping

Of the nurse of Mary,

Each early and late,

Every dark, every light.

Brigit is my comrade-woman,

Brigit is my maker of song,

Brigit is my helping-woman,

My choicest of women

my guide.

-Carmina Gadelica

It was an honor to be in these places with these places of Brigid and to lead worship in these holy places.

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