Last night I performed the marriage of Brian and Sarah. It was a beautiful ritual celebrating the love and commitment of a special couple. In the ceremony we called the name of Brian's mother, Linda, whose memorial service I assisted in last December.
Many of the same people gathered again ... this time to witness, to promise support, to toast a new family being woven together in love. There were times of great joy and times of tender sorrow.
As I prayed a blessing for Sarah and Brian, a single tear rolled down Brian's cheek. Sarah reached up to wipe it away. How can I doubt the power of love when standing next to such amazing grace, incredible beauty, vibrant life which moves forward even in the midst of the brokenness and death of our world.
God, you are amazing.
You created us to love,
To live, to laugh, to heal.
Open our eyes, our hearts, our spirits
To your Love working
In our lives, in the world.
Brush away our tears
With your gentle spirit
And infuse us with the hope and assurance
That in the end, love is always there.