We are invited simply to be with God. ... Crawling up in the lap of Love, resting our head against Love’s breast, and taking comfort in that slow, steady heartbeat of grace that says, This is where you belong. -Roger Owens, What We Need Is Here
God, collect our tears ... And pour them back on us as life-giving water! -Safiyah Fosua, The Africana Worship Book: Year B
Dear God, help us to see that we are more more than our scars. Michael W. Waters, Freestyle
Faithfulness is consecration in overalls. -Evelyn Underhill, Writings of Evelyn Underhill
All things come and all things go over and over again. -John S. Mogabgab, Weavings
Grief is such a messy thing. -Roberta C. Bondi, Wild Things | Purchase the book. |