We lay Tigger the Scottie to rest this last Wednesday. He died peacefully at the vet, surrounded by strong women who loved him. Two of the women present for his death had been there for his birth and had cared for him when his mother's milk had dried up. They fed him and his siblings every four hours with a baby bottle for weeks. Tigger was purchased and went to live in his new home, but was returned at about six months when his genetic illness surfaced. He had "wobbly Scottie" and his new owner was thinking of putting him down. He was given a new life with the family who helped him come into the world.
Though he was disabled, he led a full (and sometimes spoiled life). Towards the end of his life he could go up stairs but not down them. We would often find him waiting for us at the top of the stairs, waiting patiently for us to find him. He became increasingly less mobile and unable to eat. The last several weeks, he had been in "hospice care" until he was ready to go on beyond the rainbow where he is free from the bonds of disability and illness.
I'm grateful to God, to the universe, for letting me share Tigger's life for a time. Teacher, lover, friend ... he is missed.