I skipped yesterday's word in Alive Now's Lent Photo-a-Day spiritual practice. The word was "Repent."
Today's word, "Transform," is so much easier for me to illustrate. I thought about the transformation that's going on around me as Spring arrives. The daffodils started blooming three weeks ago. And because the weather has been just the right combination of warm days and cool nights, it seems that all the flowering trees are going to be blooming at the same time. From the star magnolias to the redbuds to the flowering pears. It's going to be a wonderland here this week. (And a challenging location for those who suffer with allergies.)
But back to the word I skipped. "Repent" is a hard word to think about because it reminds me of the mistakes I've made, of the ways I've hurt other people, of the many times I think only of myself. Metanoia, from the Greek, means "a transformative change of heart."
I may avoid it, but it's what I want, truly, for myself, for this broken world. That I, that we, might have a change of heart that makes us better people, a more compassionate society, a more kind and just world.
Come, Holy Spirit.
Blow through my hardened heart
And transform it
Into a heart of love,
Of Kindness,
Of Compassion.
Come, Holy Spirit.
Blow through our broken world
And transform it
Into a world of caring,
Of peace,
Of justice.
Ignite our repentance
That we might turn toward you
And be transformed.