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All the Wonders



Dogwood tree in the fall

As I walked the dogs on the first morning of fall, I felt a cool breeze on my cheek. When I looked up, I saw the first autumn leaves swirling in the air.

This year as I clean up the squash vines and pick the last tomatoes, I’m so aware of the change of seasons in my life. 

For 35 years, my focus has been The Upper Room at 1908 Grand Avenue in Nashville, Tennessee. This ministry and the people who embody it have been an important part of my formation, shaping me into the person I have become. And I am so very grateful.

On the afternoon of November 30th, we will celebrate my retirement from The Upper Room with a service and reception.

I am beginning to wonder, Who will I be when I am no longer a staff person of The Upper Room? What will it be like to wake up on a Monday morning and not go to work? How will I adjust to this new schedule (or lack of schedule)?

I am in the fall of life. Like the plants and trees here in Tennessee, some facets of my life are fading and dying, creating space for the new things that the Holy One will be doing in me. I trust that I'll find the way gracefully, as so many of you have already done.

I ask your prayers for this transition - both for me and for the staff of The Upper Room. And I'd love to hear from you if you have any tips on entering into the season of retirement.

Blessings and love, Beth

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